Summer 2020 saw us all doing life with a little more creativity than usual. This was no different for the Team here at Foxy HQ. Amanda and Co had been working on a Peacock feather fabric design for a few months with out any real eureka moments.

One evening Amanda was scrolling through the Facebook Market Place and came across and entire Peacock tail for sale on a local farm.

Peacock feathers had been on the Foxy Pheasant Mood board for some time and then we finally got our hands on full tail to work with.

Peacocks (and most birds) moult annually to regrow fresh feathers, lucky for us “Dai” the local Peacock moulted his tail feathers in his owners cosy straw barn. So over a few weeks his owner carefully collected his discarded tail feathers and offered them for sale on Market Place

The Peacock tail is a work of art, used by the Peacock to show off his prowess and to convince the female of the species that he really is the man!

Here he is ……. “Dai” the handsome Peacock from Carmarthen who inspired our new fabric.

Dai with his wife Blodwen enjoying a romantic summer evening here in West Wales !

The finished article – Peacock feather design a product of Lock Down 2020

Coming soon for Autumn 2021 the team have taken the colours from their now synonymous Peacock design and used it to create a rather unique colour way in their new Pheasant Camo Design.

The all new Pheasant Camouflage pattern using colour taken from the Peacock feather design.
A pantone break down of the colours used to make up the Peacock feather design
The Peacock Feather Fabric