Meet Foxy Pheasant lifestyle photographer, her dog models and hear their “tails” of their Team portfolio careers.
Keeping things real.
From the very day Amanda dreamed up the concept of Foxy Pheasant, it was her focus to make sure that the brand was “Authentic” – Authentic to country life and authentic to those of us lucky enough to live that country life.
It was on social media that Amanda first met Photographer and Artist ( And Falconer, Equestrian , Landrover enthusiast…..this Lady has many talents) Harriet Booker and admired her canine photographic work and how she not only photographed working dogs but it was evident that she really understood them.
Fast Forward a few years and Amanda and Harriet came together along with local Lady – Lindsay Corbett and her stunning team of Field Trail winners and Champion Working Cocker Spaniels (who you will hear more about in a future blog) to create a stunning series of promotional life style shots for the Foxy Pheasant website.
“Its so important that our models both human and canine are authentic to country life, I feel that it is attention to detail that helps us as a brand distil our biography in every single photo”
Amanda Harris-Lea Director and Founder of Foxy Pheasant Limited
Challenges or opportunities?
The last 18 months has presented us all with challenges and opportunities.
Our friend Harriet used this time to work on this most beautifully illustrated debut book where her Spaniels take a staring role.
Aimed at youngsters, this book explains the importance of wildlife and nature conservation through the world of our multi talented team that is Harriet, Cass and Grace.
Cass and Graces New Adventure is available to purchase from Amazon